Mahesh Bhatt has been regularly seen on the sets of Raaz 3, a film being directed by Vikram Bhatt. The film is currently being shot at Madh Island, and Mahesh Bhatt's excitement for the movie is on constant display, so much so that it is being touted that Bhatt is ghost directing this one. According to a unit hand, Mahesh Bhatt spends ample time discussing scenes and dialogues with Viram Bhatt. Mahesh Bhatt, it is heard, doesn't limit himself to advising Vikram on scenes, but also guides him with camera angles, lighting, etc.
Apart from that, Mahesh Bhatt also spends considerable time with leading actors Bipasha Basuand Emran Hashmi to discuss scenes with them. Some may say that 'too many cooks spoil the broth', but Vikram doesn't seem to mind the 'interference'. He probably believes in the adage 'Many hands make light work', instead. Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt, who gave Bipasha Basu her career's first big break a decade ago with ‘Raaz’, says the latest installment of the film will see the actress in a new avatar.Bipasha started her Bollywood career with ‘Ajanabee’ but got her first box office hit with the horror movie. Bhatt, 63, says he has been on the sets and is happy with the way the Vikram Bhatt directed film has shaped up.
"Bipasha is going to reinvent herself with 'Raaz 3'. She will reprise her acting skills and will dazzle the screen. We are happy that she is back with us and don't want to miss the opportunity to bring the best out of her. She did a fabulous job in 'Raaz', which gave her the due recognition in the industry".The filmmaker, who took a break from direction after the release of Sanjay Dutt's ‘Kartoos’ in 1999, has no plans to go behind the camera again despite giving meaningful films like ‘Arth’, ‘Saaransh’ and ‘Zakhm’.
"I am bored of making films. I have given my 12 years to the industry and always felt that you are not a human being if you don't have a story to tell. After all these years, I am concentrating on making stars out of normal actors and churning out good stories from new filmmakers," said Bhatt, who was in the capital to launch Aruna Mukim's book 'Doosra Rukh'.
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