"After Munni, Sheila and Anarkali, I had almost turned into an item queen. So it was a welcome relief to go to Kashmir and shoot a love song for Karan Johar’s Student Of The Year (2012),” says choreographer Farah Khan.“The valley was freezing. Bundled up in fur coats, we waddled around like penguins in knee-deep snow as Karan showed me the steps he wanted. I told him that was exactly what he was not getting.”The two are best buddies and Farah admits that when they’re shooting on outdoor locations, they spend a lot of quality time together. “We’re our own entertainment team on the sets and don’t need anyone else,” she laughs.
The film is a campus rom-com and in true Bollywood style, the boys — Varun Dhawan and Siddharth Malhotra — were warmly wrapped up in the minus five degree temperature when facing the camera while female lead Alia Bhatt was shivering in tights and light jackets.
“That’s the bane of being a heroine. Alia was in the snow, while I’ve been dancing in a dark cave, all hot and sweaty,” says Farah, speaking about her debut as an actor in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Shirin Farhad Ki Nikal Padi. She has choreographed several romantic chartbusters, but insists that there’s nothing ‘filmi’ about the new track. “It’s a refreshingly modern take on young love, no flinging arms in the air in trademark Shah Rukh Khan style. No one apart from him should do it,” Farah smiles. “I’ve given the trio new moves that they can trademark.”
“That’s the bane of being a heroine. Alia was in the snow, while I’ve been dancing in a dark cave, all hot and sweaty,” says Farah, speaking about her debut as an actor in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Shirin Farhad Ki Nikal Padi. She has choreographed several romantic chartbusters, but insists that there’s nothing ‘filmi’ about the new track. “It’s a refreshingly modern take on young love, no flinging arms in the air in trademark Shah Rukh Khan style. No one apart from him should do it,” Farah smiles. “I’ve given the trio new moves that they can trademark.”
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