In Sujoy Ghosh's much applauded thriller Kahaani, Vidya Bagchi (Vidya Balan) after hacking into R Shridhar's (IT head at the National Data Centre, Kolkata) computer, finds a piece of code. Satyaki Sinha aka Rana (Parambrata Chatterjee), the Kolkata Police assistant sub-inspector who had been helping Vidya in the search for her 'missing' husband, deciphers it to be a mobile phone number based on the numbers corresponding to the letters on a BlackBerry phone keypad.
In the movie, the number is said to be that of Bhaskaran K (Dhritiman Chatterjee), commander-in-chief , Intelligence Bureau, New Delhi. But in the real world that number is apparently that of a Vodafone mobile subscriber in Delhi.
When B.P contacted her, she appeared surprised on knowing the Kahaaniconnection. She said that though she had watched the movie recently, it did not occur to her that that number, which plays a vital role in the movie, was actually hers. But at the same time, she doesn't think that it is a big deal and any number used in a movie could actually belong to someone else.
She, unlike the owner of the number that Amitabh Bachchan announced on Kaun Banega Crorepati, has not been inundated with calls was because that number appears very briefly on the screen.
And even when A Khan (Nawazuddin Siddiqui), the deputy chief at the Intelligence Bureau mutters the number, it is in the alphabetic code and not the actual number. Her phone might just start ringing a lot more when Kahaani releases on DVD.
Bangalore resident, Sarah Varghese, also faced a similar ordeal when her number found its way, thanks to a scriptwriter's imagination, to Aamir Khan's chiselled body in the 2008 blockbuster Ghajini.
Using fictitious numbers in movies and television shows is a standard practice in the west. In USA and Canada numbers with the prefix 555 are widely used in the entertainment industry.
This is because the 555 area code is reserved for directory assistance applications in the North American Numbering Plan and therefore do not correspond with actual personal phone numbers.
If the owner of the number objects, the makers of Kahaani may find themselves in aBruce Almighty-like situation. In the 2003 movie, God (Morgan Freeman) contacts Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) on his pager using an actual number, albeit without an area code. Following complaints from people who had been receiving calls asking to speak to God, the number was edited for the DVD and television releases.
Actor Indraneil Sengupta’s last film, Kahaani, revolved around Durga Puja and Doshomi (Durga idol immersion) day. But the actor’s tryst with Doshomi hasn’t ended yet. Sengupta will appear in Bengali film, Doshomi, which revolves around Durga Puja and the equation between a boy, who owns a cyber cafe, and a girl, who comes from the US to enjoy the festival.“For me Doshomi is more than a film; it makes me feel connected to kolkata,” he said.
On seeing Sujoy Ghosh's stunning Kolkata-based suspense-drama Kahaani your attention is immediately caught by quietly accomplished Bengali actor Parambrata Chatterjee, who plays Vidya Balan's saviour in the film.
Parambrata, Param to friends, plays Vidya's distressed spouse-searching character's cop-saviour who reaks protocol, rules and conventions to get her to her goal and somewhere down the line becomes subtly attracted to her.
Parambrata conveys his growing affection for his leading lady with a silent eloquence. So yes, Parambrata is the hero of Kahaani.
"Wrong! 'Kahaani' already has two heroes, Vidya and Kolkata. I'm the film's heroine," he quips mischievously from Shanti Niketan where he's shooting his new Bengali film as mobs threaten to disrupt the shooting.
Last year's Bangla superhit Baise Shrabon, which starred Prosenjeet and Parambrata, became a blockbuster and turned the latter into a Kolkata superstar.
Now Kahaani, hopes Parambrata, would make him a familiar figure in Bollywood, though he admits he's happy being a star in West Bengal and doesn't crave for acceptance in Bollywood.
How the role in Kahaani happened makes an interesting story.
"I was abroad in Amsterdam with my girlfriend when I received a call from Mumbai. Before I could introduce himself to Sujoy Ghosh, he showered the choicest expletives on me asking me to return to India to start shooting for his film. He had seen my work in Anjan Datta's Bong Connection and felt I was right for the role," he said.
"From Amsterdam, I was supposed to go with my girl to Paris and Rome. Paris, I couldn't wriggle out of. But Rome I cancelled and returned to India for Kahaani. That's my kahaani," he added admitting that he had to work hard on his Hindi, but not so hard on establishing a rapport with Vidya.
"You know, by a strange coincidence Vidya and I both did our first film Bhalo Theko in Bengali, together. We hadn't met since then. But the minute we were together for Kahaani, it was just like old times. Vidya is a huge star but absolutely hassle free. She takes her work dead seriously. But is a bundle of fun off camera," he said.
Parambrata is in a long-distance relationship with a Dutch girl.
"Her name is Ike Schouten. And we've been seeing each other for two years. She spends some months of the year with me in Kolkata. And I fly down as frequently as possible. Ike is too kicked about Kahaani, not only because I'm in it but because it was shot in Kolkata. She can show all the places that he loves in Kolkata to her friends in the Netherlands."
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