Shahid Kapoor came to the rescue of his ex-flame Priyanka Chopra like a true hero, when thousands of excited fans turned up to have a glimpse of the stars while they were shooting Kunal Kohli's tentatively titled 'Teri Meri Kahaani' in Aurangabad, recently.The crowd was so uncontrollable that it led to a stampede like situation. A source says, "On an average there were nearly 8,000 to 10,000 people on the sets. On the day we shot at Daulatabad Fort, over 30,000 people bought tickets to visit the place. On the last day we were shooting at the lake, which was surrounded by hills. Two of those were completely filled with people. It was madness. Some people tried to get too close to Priyanka and that's when Shahid came forward and took her aside."
Director/producer Kunal feigned ignorance of Sasha coming to PC's rescue. "I am not sure because I was busy with the directorial team. They both were pretty cool and took a break every two hours to wave to the people who had come all the way to see them. Shahid even said it would have been depressing if no one had come to see them."However Kunal denies that a near-stampede took place, "No, that's not true. There were no untoward incidents. Fortunately, we had the support of the local police and we had our own security. We definitely had to tighten the security to manage the crowds."
Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, who is doing fairly well in showbiz, says it is very important to be on the top but at the same time, feels it is difficult to say who is No 1 or No 2."It is very important to be No 1. Since school days one wants to be No 1. In this competitive world, you have to be No 1 - whether in school or anywhere else. That doesn’t mean you stamp on people's faces,” said Priyanka, the brand ambassador of Nikon, during the unveiling of a new camera range.
“But it is impossible to decide who is No.1 or No.2. Nobody can decide who is No 1. An actress tends to do three to four films a year and all that films cannot be a hit. We make so many films in a year,” she added the former Miss World.Asked who according to her is very photogenic, the 29-year-old said: “You have to be photogenic if you want to be an actress. I am photogenic. Rekhaji is very photogenic. Dharmendarji with the kind of features he has, he is always smiling. Among my contemporaries, Katrina Kaif, Aishwarya Rai and Deepika Padukone are very photogenic."Priyanka's forthcoming films are Barfi, Teri Meri Kahaani and Krrish 3.
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